Spot It! Prevent It! Campaign Videos

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Spot It! Prevent It! Campaign Videos

Película: Duración en minutos

1:46 and 1:59 minutos

Descripción del producto

The Spot It! Prevent It! campaign at VHA Home HealthCare (VHA) is an ongoing internal workplace safety campaign directed towards Personal Support Workers (PSWs) and their Care Team Supervisors (CTS).

At VHA, many of our PSWs work with many clients who have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, and about one in four people with these conditions show “responsive behaviours” such as screaming, grabbing or refusal of service. Since most PSWs work alone in the client’s home, when clients act out in this way it can cause PSWs physical or emotional harm and leave them wondering what to do.

VHA’s Spot it! Prevent it! campaign is designed to help PSWs and their Care Team Supervisors manage these incidents. “Everyone has the right to feel safe where they work,” says Dr. Sandra McKay, Director of Research at VHA and the lead on this project. “Spot it! Prevent it! gives our care team staff the information they need to respond to an incident that makes them feel unsafe. It also reminds them of the extra supports VHA has available to help them keep clients calm and reduce the likelihood of responsive incidents.”

We want our workers to feel safe at work so we have developed two videos and informatives to help them know the next steps if they are faced with this situation:

1. The first video is directed towards Personal Support Workers. It features the steps they need to take when a safety incident with a client occurs. The video has been attached to this submission and can also be found on YouTube at:

2.The second video is similar, but directed towards Care Team Supervisors. This video helps our CTSs support their PSWs and make sure they are safe. The video has been attached to this submission and can also be found on YouTube at:

“VHA wants all of our care and service providers to feel safe at work,” says Sandra. “We need to know about these incidents to help prevent them, so we hope that Spot it! Prevent it! will encourage PSWs to talk about these situations when they happen, and to encourage communication between PSWs and CTSs about responsive behaviour situations.”

Público objetivo

Personal Support Workers and


Workplace Safety

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

VHA Home HealthCare
600-30 Soudan Ave - Ontario , Canada-M4S 1V6 Toronto