Système D comme Didier

Título traducido al inglés

System D like Didier

Película: Duración en minutos

8 à ca. 04:00 minutos

Descripción del producto

System D like Didier is a management tool of communication consisting of 8 short subtitled videos. It is the result of a concerted work within an interdisciplinary project team. The episodes have been designed from parallels between our personal lives and every day work in our enterprise. The issues addressed touch all professions so that everyone can feel concerned and implicated (driving skills, handling, (bad) habits, ...). The videos have been completed by power point supports in order to facilitate the portage by local managers and strengthen the key-messages of each episode. They have been largely used and appreciated. Everything is available on the intranet of our enterprise and on YouTube (by secured links) in order to benefit our providers. Since the beginning of the broadcasting, hundreds of employees and providers have been able to watch the videos, on their own or in groups. Thanks to the universal character of the transmitted messages and addressed issues, the videos have found an interest and a public far beyond our initial target. 1.5 years after their launch, the videos continue to be broadcast and to feed debates creating an ongoing background noise, the beneficial for security. In summary, system D like Didier is an accessible and duplicable product and carries messages which are valuable today and forever in future days, everywhere and for everyone. The relevance of the product has been welcome on the occasion of various internal competitions which are valuable for the innovative initiatives which will be leading to progress. Today we would like to go even further and make this product known to the public to be of service to everyone!

Objetivos y metas

Key message: At home or at work, there is no boundary for security -> vigilance should be exercised everywhere, for everyone and at any time. Objective: develop behaviour in order to be more vigilant, which will help reduce the number of accidents, by urging employees and companies to take responsibility in new, modern and adjusted ways.

The initial starting point is our conviction that the Human (with a big H) deserves to be protected 24hours, 7days a week. Especially with regard to health and security, it is useless, even counter-productive to continually reuse the same tools of management communication. Their impact will weaken if we don’t regularly innovate ourselves. Then, in order to convince our colleagues and to continue to improve health and security at work, we have decided to speak about security differently, in a new way and by addressing every man and every woman instead of professionals. These are well-known series for the general public such as « Un gars, une fille » (A guy, a girl) and « Scènes de ménages » (Household scenes) which have inspired and encouraged us to adopt this modern and unusual living format within our enterprise. We wanted to increase and at the same time facilitate identification with the product and encourage word-of-mouth dissemination. It had to be brief and hard-hitting. The humoristic format web-series has made the product attractive and self-supporting which facilitates the broadcasting and the integration of messages. For our providers, being online on our Intranet and on YouTube guaranteed the accessibility and the duration of the tool. This medium also facilitated the portage of the 3 key messages which we wanted to broadcast: 1) We only have one life: there’s no border between personal and professional life 2) We all have a role to play in preserving our security and the security of others 3) We need to change our behaviour

Público objetivo

Target n°1: overview of 36,000 employees at ERDF (Electricité Réseau Distribution France), regardless of their activityTarget n°2: the employees of our member companies which are dealing with the same occupational health and security issues Target

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Electricité Réseau Distribution France – ERDF
45 boulevard de l'EmbouchureCS 92324, France-31021 Toulouse cedex 2