Turning the Tide: PFDs in the Fishing Industry

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Turning the Tide: PFDs in the Fishing Industry

Película: Duración en minutos

12:21 minutos

Descripción del producto

In this video, we hear the story of two commercial fishermen whose boat capsized while fishing, one sport fisherman who fell overboard while guiding guests at sea, and a young commercial fisherman who died when he fell overboard. In each case, wearing a PFD could have changed the outcome of these events. These dramatic, real-life stories are woven together throughout the video – advancing each story in turn and building upon the message that life jackets/PFDs save lives. By hearing and seeing these stories told by/about their peers, workers within the fishing industry will be impacted and moved to action to wear PFDs.

Objetivos y metas

We focus on the importance of wearing a PFD.

Drowning continues to be the leading cause of death for B.C.’s commercial fishermen. From 2011 to 2017, 15 workers died in work-related incidents within the commercial fishing industry. Of these fatalities, 7 were a result of drowning. In order to reduce the number of drowning deaths in commercial fishing, WorkSafeBC produced a video that strives to motivate fishers to increase their use of PFDs.

Público objetivo

skippers and fishing crews in the fishing industry


Awareness and drive behaviour change

Premios recibidos

2019 Drowning Prevention Award — Effective Policies and Legislation; AVA Digital Award 2019

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

6951 Westminster Hwy, Canada-V7C 1C6 Richmond
+1-604-214-6778 https://www.worksafebc.com/en