Wenn die Routine zur Gefahr wird

Título traducido al inglés

Wenn die Routine zur Gefahr wird

Película: Duración en minutos

01:15 minutos

Descripción del producto

A construction worker gets up every morning at the same time and gives his wife a kiss. As time passes, he is getting more accustomed and thus less attentive. It goes that far that in the end, he does not realise that not his wife is lying next to him but his dog. Due to the supposed routine and diminishing vigilance, he finds himself in this situation.

Objetivos y metas

Remain careful. More than 80% of all accidents at work in the construction industry are caused during routine tasks.

The spot on behaviour-related prevention "Bau auf Sicherheit. Bau auf Dich" ("Build on safety. Build on yourself") was produced in connection with the new programme of the German institution for statutory accident insurance and prevention for the construction industry (BG BAU). It is supposed to raise awareness among employees of the construction industry for their behaviour. Especially in the case of routine activities, the attention diminishes quickly. This applies to the world of work as well as to the private area. The film is dealing with this issue.

Público objetivo

Employees of the construction industry.

Datos de contacto del editor

Berufsgenossenschaft der Bauwirtschaft - BG BAU
Hildegardstr. 29/30, Deutschland-10715 Berlin

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

neues handeln GmbH / Rio Film GmbH
Luisenstr.46, Deutschland-10117 Berlin