Arbeitssicherheit bei Lernenden im Auto-, LKW- und 2-Rad-Garagen

Titre traduit en anglais

Occupational Safety for apprentices in car, truck and two-wheel garages

Film: Durée en minutes

11:42 minutes

Description du produit

SAFE AT WORK aims at counteracting this trend and improving occupational safety especially of young entrants in the labour market. For this reason a prevention film was produced which portrays the ten most common hazards: Foreign body in eye Hand cuts tripping accident fall accident Fall from ladder electromobility Test driving (2-wheeler) health ergonomics Health protection and skin disease Storage of combustible materials

Objectif et finalité

Occupational safety and health through training. The film aims at reducing the high accident risk of apprentices.

When welding use welding googles, when cutting with the cutter use gloves, keep traffic routes and floors clean and free and use suitable tools when carrying heavy loads - this is a matter of course for our employers. The situation is different among apprentices. Statistics show that the number of accidents in the car and two-wheeler industry has increased among apprentices in recent years.

Public cible

Apprentices and instructors of the automobile, heavy goods vehicles and two-wheel garage industry in Switzerland

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Eidgenössische Koordinationskommission für Arbeitssicherheit EKAS
Fluhmattastrasse1, Switzerland-6001 Luzern

Coordonnées de la société de production

cR Kommunikation AG
Falkenplatz11, Switzerland-3001 Bern
+41(0)31313 33 37