Cruiser und Bella – Ab durch die Mitte!

Titre traduit en anglais

Cruiser and Bella – Straight down the middle!

Film: Durée en minutes

04:38 minutes

Description du produit

Cruiser witnesses how Bella had a serious accident on a roundabout. Luckily she was patched up quickly. But when she returned to approach a roundabout, she took fright. However, Cruiser finds the solution: Before approaching the roundabout move into the traffic lane and then straight down the middle!

Objectif et finalité

Instruction of rules and regulations for cyclists on roundabouts - in a way that persons would like to watch the film voluntarily.

Public cible

For all road users in Switzerland

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Seed Audio-Visual Communication AG
Bachstrasse15, Switzerland-8038 Zürich

Coordonnées de la société de production

Seed Audio-Visual Communication AG
Bachstrasse15 - Felix Courvoisier , Switzerland-8038 Zürich