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Der Flamingo

Titre traduit en anglais

The Flamingo

Film: Durée en minutes

1:08 minutes

Description du produit

During a meeting in an architect office, a new building is being planned. The boss constantly has new - sometimes absurd - ideas about how the building should look like. The employees try to warn him that his plans cannot be implemented in the way he would like to, but he doesn't listen to the warnings.  At the same time, an intern builds the building out of cardboard according to his boss' ideas. It looks ridiculous, pink and disproportionately high, like a flamingo on one leg. The boss looks at the designed building with satisfaction, slams the door on his way out and the cardboard building collapses immediately.

Objectif et finalité

The clip shows, in a humorous way, how one should not behave as a manager.

The clip was produced as part of the prevention campaign kommmitmensch of the German statutory accident insurance.

Public cible


Prevention campaign

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung e.V. (DGUV)
Glinkastraße 40, Germany-10117 Berlin
+49 30 13001-1441