Entre el deber y la vida

Titre traduit en anglais

Between duty and life

Film: Durée en minutes

19 minutes

Description du produit

The video is part of the preventive measures, which allow to maintain low numbers of incidents and accidents at the workplace, due to the lack of or inadequate use of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) at Electrical Union - Cuba. The main safety measures that the workers should assume, the consequences and affectations to the human organism must be taken into account.

Objectif et finalité

It is a teaching tool for courses, conferences and exchange of experiences in events, on the prevention of accidents and the importance of the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment against risks.

It is based on the actual statistics analysed in the interviews with the workers, who have had accidents due to non-compliance with procedures and the non-use or inappropriate use of PPE.

Also shown are the good practices regarding the use of protective equipment in a UNE company that has work brigades that have spent 15 to 30 years without accidents. This achievement is thanks to the engagements of their families, psychologists and also due to their training and preparation in the training school of the Havana Electric Company.

For this reason, this video is a working tool for raising awareness and for teaching personnel, with the primary objective of establishing preventive barriers to reduce accidents due to these causes.

150 CDs were published in Spanish and distributed in the classrooms of UNE companies. They were also shared with other countries during the exchange at the Franco-Latin American Symposium and the International Social Security Association (ISSA).

Public cible

To make workers aware of the correct identification of hazards and risk assessment, with the appropriate use of Personal Protective Equipment, taking into account the main safety measures, the consequences and impact of the use of the equipment.


Complete safety

Prix gagnés

Certificate on the evaluation of the socio-economic impact at the Association of National Economists of Cuba (ANEC) - November 2018

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Unión Eléctrica - Cuba
C/ Calixto García No. 210 - Entre Oriente y Camagüey. Reparto Parraga. Municipio Arroyo Naranjo , Cuba-10900 La Habana
+5378775031 - 30159 - +5359987424