Erklärfilm Anwenderschutz

Titre traduit en anglais

User protection during plant Protection - explanatory film

Film: Durée en minutes

3:18 minutes

URL du produit que vous souhaitez soumettre (http:// or https://)

Description du produit

Animated explanatory film on the subject of user protection in plant protection

Objectif et finalité

The aim of the film is to teach farmers how to handle crop protection products safely and in accordance with regulations in a way that is easy to understand and application-oriented.
Both entrepreneurs and employees benefit from the measures presented. The films about "user protection in crop protection" are well suited for use in qualification measures and as part of instruction.

Public cible

Jeunes travailleurs, Petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), Superviseurs et managers

Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production

Sozialversicherung für Landwirtschaft, Forsten und Gartenbau (SVLFG)
Weißenstreinstraße 70-72, Germany-34131 Kassel
+49 561 785 13514