Motormanuelle Holzernte - Eine Sicherheitsunterweisung in virtueller Realität

Titre traduit en anglais

Motor-manual timber harvesting - A safety instruction in virtual reality

Description du produit

In the virtual world, a tree must be felled safely. To do this, the user must first equip himself with the right equipment and then walk to the tree. He must first assess the tree, independently prepare the felling, e.g. remove deadwood in the vicinity and determine his route of retreat. Once he has completed all the steps, he can pick up the virtual chainsaw. At the same time, he exchanges his controller for a chainsaw equipped with controllers. With the real chainsaw in his hand, he can now safely cut down the tree in the virtual world. To do this, he must perform all the steps as in real life, e.g. look all around, call for attention, etc.. This is controlled by the accompanying trainers. After his final cut he must remove himself to a safe location. If a mistake is made, the screen turns gray. An evaluation of the individual steps takes place and the user receives feedback on possible errors. The program contains three different scenarios.

Objectif et finalité

Occupational accidents due to falling, slipping, and tripping are among the frequent hazards in the green industry. Especially in rough terrain, e.g. in the forest, such incidents occur. To counteract this, regular training on a slackline has proven its worth. With this video series, we aim to inspire businesses within the green industry to incorporate slackline training into their corporate wellness programs as a health promotion initiative.. Each video focuses on a specific topic, from the first steps of the setup process for the slackline and the most common sources of error through to motivational aspects. Regular slackline training not only strengthens muscle power, reaction speed and coordination, but also serves as a company activity that fosters a positive working atmosphere and is fun. By recommending and promoting slackline training, we are setting a preventative example to reduce FST accidents in the future.

Public cible

Jeunes travailleurs, Autres (veuillez préciser)

Prix gagnés

kwf-members-award 2022

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Kommunale Unfallversicherung Bayern / Bayerische Landesunfallkasse
Ungererstr 71, Germany-80805 München
+498936093406 - +491622984192

Coordonnées de la société de production

imsimity GmbH
Leopoldstraße 1, +49-78112 St. Georgen im Schwarzwald
+49 (0) 7724 917-5150