Pneumoconiosis and high risk sectors
Titre traduit en anglais
Pneumoconiosis and high risk sectors
Film: Durée en minutes
5 minutes
URL du produit que vous souhaitez soumettre (http:// or https://)
Description du produit
Prevention of pneumoconiosis
Objectif et finalité
The pneumoconiosis are a group of lung diseases caused by the lung’s reaction to inhaling certain dusts. The main cause of pneumoconiosis is work-place exposure. In this video the pneumoconiosis in the context of high risk sectors is explored. The videos use simple language in explaining a wide range of knowledge on what pneumoconiosis is, its health consequence, how to prevent it, the responsibilities of employer in adopting protection measures at workplace, and the rights and duties of workers in protecting their health at work.
Public cible
Jeunes travailleurs, Petites et moyennes entreprises (PME), Superviseurs et managers, Spécialistes de la SST, Autres (veuillez préciser) : The public
Coordonnées de l'éditeur / de la société de production
1201-5047 Shuimuhuayuan, Tieling, Liaoning, China-100088 Beijing