Online-Lernprogramm "Sicher arbeiten - Gesundheit schützen" (2016)
Titre traduit en anglais
Online-Lernprogramm "Sicher arbeiten - Gesundheit schützen" (2016)
Film: Durée en minutes
URL du produit que vous souhaitez soumettre (http:// or https://)
Description du produit
Learning modules for occupational safety issues: fire protection/alarm, first aid, hazardous substances, sitting, standing, lifting and carrying, robbery, health protection, etc. Concept: multimedia-based, interactive, didactic assessment of competences and their increase, with regard to the workplace, responsive (mobile devices)
Objectif et finalité
Occupational safety is simple, is fun and makes sense: "It should always have a good end!"
Application: for companies in order to support their operational instructions
Public cible
all those with an occupational insurance, laypersons, managers
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
BGHW (Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warenlogistik)
Niebuhrstraße5, Germany-D-53113 Bonn
Coordonnées de la société de production
Nünningstraße 6, Germany-D-45141 Essen