Quarries Partnership Team 'Stop dust before it stops you'
Titre traduit en anglais
Quarries Partnership Team 'Stop dust before it stops you'
Film: Durée en minutes
07:25 minutes
Description du produit
The package consists of a mix of cartoons and real life footage lasting approximatley eight minutes.
Objectif et finalité
The aim of the product is to raise awareness of the long latency health risks to workers due to exposure to respirable crystalline silica during high risk activities. It tells the story of an animated character George who ignores advice and fails to use the equipment provided exposing himself to hazardous workplace dust. The messages are straighforward, they show the bad working practices followed by the good working practices, whilst promoting the common sense approach to controlling personal exposure.
This approach (animated/live filming) has been used previously in the quarrying industry to successfully promote health and safety messages. The product created provides an accessible and engaging way to demonstrate how the correct behaviours can reduce exposure to silica dust.
Public cible
Material produced for use on-site by those with the responsibility for health and safety in the quarrying industry. The target group includes Quarry operatives/Maintenance personnel/Contractors
Coordonnées de l'éditeur
Health and Safety Executive
Redgrave CourtNumber, United Kingdom-L20 7HS Liverpool
+44(0)1519513763+44(0)1513418 marie.warburton@hse.gsi.gov.uk
Coordonnées de la société de production
Muddy Boots PR
Salmons Leap21, United Kingdom-SN11 9EU Calne, Wiltshire
+44(0) 1249731007 barrie@muddybootspr.co.uk