RWE - Vom Winde gedreht

Titre traduit en anglais

RWE-Turned by the wind

Film: Durée en minutes

3:57 minutes

Description du produit

RWE Innogy builds one of the largest commercial offshore wind parks off the German coast. The wind farm "Nordsee Ost" is built on an area of ​​24 square kilometers with 48 wind turbines. The wind power plants will generate a total output of 295 megawatts. fact + film documents the pioneering project for RWE Innogy. According to an innovative concept, a series of Internet videos, we have called them "Technosoaps", will inform about the construction progress.

Objectif et finalité

Episode 6 of 11 " Überlebenstraining" - "Survival training"

Public cible

Renewable energies, offshore wind farm, construction, employees RWE, larger audience, educational program

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

fact+film Medienproduktions GmbH
Hastedter Osterdeich 222, Germany-28207 Bremen

Coordonnées de la société de production

Hastedter Osterdeich 222, Germany-28207 Bremen