Sicheres Arbeiten auf Deponien

Titre traduit en anglais

Safe working on landfill sites

Film: Durée en minutes

24 minutes

Description du produit

Work acitivities as part of increasing the visibility and as part of constructing a surface sealing systems on the (former) municipal solid waste landfills provide challenging and various demands for the employees involved and the contractors. For safe and healthy landfill remediation operation, the employees shall know the hazards for health and safety, accident black spots and fire and explosion hazards (landfill gas), as well as protection measures and safe behaviour. Topics include: Construction vehicles and equipment used, PPE, working alone, hygiene and skin protection, fire protection, construction site safety, traffic hazards, hazards due to landfill gas.

Objectif et finalité

Design work safety instructions for safe work activities on landfills timey and interesting. Promote health and safety awareness among landfill workers. Making the various hazards due to redevelopment of landfills tranparent.

Rehabilitation of landfills is very dangerous. Serious accidents occur. With a prevention film employees can best be reached. During the work activities and in particular from interactions many hazards related to work safety and health protection occur. Accidents and other negative affects on the health of the workers involved can be avoided only if all players know both the dangers and risks as well as the necessary protection measures.

Public cible

Managers, landfill workers, employees of construction companies for remediation of landfill

Coordonnées de l'éditeur

Berliner Stadtreinigung – BSR
Ringbahnstraße96, Germany-12103 Berlin

Coordonnées de la société de production

Nestorstraße36a, Germany-10709 Berlin