Reglamento Interno de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la empresa CEDAL

Titel Englisch

Internal Regulations on Safety and Health at Work


08.12 Minuten


The video refers to the good practices of prevention, the identification of hazards and risk assessment to avoid the threats to which the collaborators of the company Cedal are exposed to in their job. The best way to control and mitigate risks is adopting measures for safety, physical and psychological well-being of the company's most valuable resource, which is its employees. The video presents in a general way the obligations, prohibitions and rights that workers have in occupational safety and health issues, as well as the ones from the employer.

Ziel und Zweck

Dissemination to the operative and administrative personnel of the company about the internal norms and current legal regulation of Ecuador in subjects of Occupational Safety and Health within the work space and the facilities of the company

Teach employees of CEDAL the importance of a safer work by preventing possible occupational diseases. This can be achieved if the personnel respect the rules the internal legal regulations of the organization and the external ones at country level.


Internal operators and administrative employees of the Cedal company

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers

Corporación Ecuatoriana de Aluminio S.A. Cedal
Av. De La Prensa y FloridaN51-270, Ecuador-EC170104 Quito

Kontaktdaten der Produktionsfirma

Corporación Ecuatoriana de Aluminio S.A. Cedal
Av. De La Prensa y FloridaN51-270, Ecuador-EC170104 Quito