Le salarié alcoolisé au volant, c'est mon affaire!

Titel Englisch

The drink-driving employee, that's my business!


2'51 Minuten


As part of their complementary health insurance Art'Vie Santé, the National Confederation of Delicatessens (CNCT) and the industry’s trade unions have committed to the prevention of occupational risks and musculoskeletal disorders through the "Faites les bons gestes" (“Do the right thing”) campaign produced with the support of AG2R LA MONDIALE. Created in late 2019, this introductory "Anatomy of a good gesture" video was designed to promote the "Do the right thing" prevention campaign in 2020. However, due to the health crisis and the subsequent guidelines, the campaign was postponed and is now set to be relaunched in 2023.

Ziel und Zweck

This video was produced to raise awareness among professionals in the delicatessen industry about the occupational risks associated with their trade. It is part of a global prevention campaign "Do the right thing" aimed at employees, company managers, apprentices and trainers, which is currently under development for a 2023 launch. Created using stop-motion animation, this video features educational content to raise awareness among trainees, employees and company managers about the correct actions to adopt for maintaining their health, particularly in combating musculoskeletal disorders (MSD). It depicts a professional situation in a delicatessen laboratory illustrating a poor action and its consequences. The video can be shown during training sessions in schools, as well as directly to employees and company managers through social networks or email.


Kleine und mittlere Unternehmn (KMU), Vorgesetzte und Führungskräfte

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma

70 RUE SAINT SAUVEUR - LES ARCADES DE FLANDRES- BP30502 , France-59022 Lille cedex
+33 683679763 - +33 683679763 https://sante-travail-hdf.fr/action/prevenir-le-risque-routier-professionnel/