Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme - DROPS (Petrobras S/A.)
Titel Englisch
Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme - DROPS (Petrobras S/A.)
00:06:08 Minuten
Incidents with dropped objects represent one of the main causes of serious or fatal accidents in the oil and gas industry. In Petrobras' oil exploration and production area in 2022, dropped objects accounted for 67% of high potential events. Attentive to all this, Petrobras established a permanent work group that deployment a package of structuring actions to prevent falling objects in its operations. The DROPS Campaign was developed with the aim of disseminating the concepts, engaging and promoting fluency in the theme for employes in our operations. Along with the campaign, other actions are underway. Currently, we have already achieved a 15% reduction in the absolute number of falling objects in Petrobras S/A's oil exploration and production operations - 2021 x 2022. Watch, like and share the Petrobras DROPS Campaign video. We encourage everyone to implement a DROPS program in their respective facility! Let's go ahead and count on us! P.S.: The campaign video was presented in all oil and gas Petrobras offshore unit´s (around 10000 employes).
Ziel und Zweck
Incidents with dropped objects represent one of the main causes of serious or fatal accidents in the oil and gas industry. In Petrobras' oil exploration and production area in 2022, dropped objects accounted for 67% of high potential events. Attentive to all this, Petrobras established a permanent work group that deployment a package of structuring actions to prevent falling objects in its operations. The DROPS Campaign was developed with the aim of disseminating the concepts, engaging and promoting fluency in the theme for employes in our operations. Along with the campaign, other actions are underway. Currently, we have already achieved a 15% reduction in the absolute number of falling objects in Petrobras S/A's oil exploration and production operations - 2021 x 2022. Watch, like and share the Petrobras DROPS Campaign video. We encourage everyone to implement a DROPS program in their respective facility! Let's go ahead and count on us! P.S.: The campaign video was presented in all oil and gas Petrobras offshore unit´s (around 10000 employes).
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Junge Beschäftigte, Kleine und mittlere Unternehmn (KMU), Vorgesetzte und Führungskräfte, Expert*innen für Sicherheit und Gesundheit bei der Arbeit, Sonstiges (bitte angeben) : OFFSHORE Employes
Site on intranet at Petrobras S/A.
Dropped Objects Prevention Scheme - DROPS (Petrobras S/A.)
Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma
Petrobras S/A. - Petróleo Brasileiro
Rua Neves Armond, 350 - Apto.: 2201 (Ed. Largo Bento Ferreira) , Brazil-2905 705 Vitória
+55 (27) 992 934 171 - +55 (27) 992 934 171 romario.galter@petrobras.com.br https://petrobras.com.br/