Have you flushed your emergency eyewash lately?

Titel Englisch

Have you flushed your emergency eyewash lately?


0:39 Minuten


A question is posed and video images are shown which demonstrate why one might want to do what the question suggests - i.e., regularly flush your emergency eyewash.

Ziel und Zweck

Emergency preparedness is important

Simple, short and effective and inexpensive to produce. The video was shot using an Iphone.


Hazardous chemical users

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers

University of Arizona
220 W. 6th St.Number, United States-85701 Tucson, Arizona
1(0)520621-35851(0)5206213706 http://www.biocom.arizona.edu

Kontaktdaten der Produktionsfirma

University of Arizona, Biomedical Communications
, USA-85724-5032 Tucson, Arizona
+1(0)5206267343+1(0)5206262145 http://www.biocom.arizona.edu