Pete's Story

Titel Englisch

Pete's Story


4 minutes Minuten


This is a documentary-style video featuring an injured person and some of the people who helped them recover.

Ziel und Zweck

Life-altering injuries can happen, no matter how well you know your job or the equipment you're using. But with determination and a little help, you can recover and get back to doing what you love.

Pete was training with an elite police motorbike squad when he was hit by a goose. The accident resulted in the loss of his leg, and left him questioning what the rest of his life was going to look like. With a strong mental attitude and support from family, friends, healthcare and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB), Pete not only learned to walk again, but went back to active duty as a police officer. The WSIB creates testimonial videos like this one to help people who have been injured at work. Seeing someone who has successfully dealt with a life-altering injury gives them hope, and often helps to prevent, or minimize the impact of secondary injuries like mental health issues, that can occur during recovery.


People in Ontario who have jobs

Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Ontario
200 Front Street West, Canada-M5V 3J1 Toronto
+1-416-344-2890 - +16473285210