THINK TWICE. Take a moment, not a fall.
Titel Englisch
THINK TWICE. Take a moment, not a fall.
1:08 Minuten
„Think Twice – take a moment, not a fall“ is a movie about „ working at heights“
The movie fosters the relationship between parents and children while making us understand that a safety attitude is independent from the place, but highly dependent on the individual.
We see a caring father, who teaches his daughter in daily life situations how to mitigate risks and be safe, he protects her and tells her to be cautious. He could not bare to loose her. Nevertheless when it comes to himself and working at heights around the house, safety precautions are neglected, leading to the inevitable. He had never considered if his daughter could bare to loose him.
Ziel und Zweck
Safety at the heart is personal motivation to protect oneself and to not take risks. It means to THINK TWICE about possible consequences of unsafe behaviour, such as risky short cuts, before acting. This requires taking a moment. Which urgency can possibly be more important than for a person to take a moment and to think for a moment how to handle the situation in a safe manner?
The truth is that no one suffers more from the consequences of unsafe behaviour than the person concerned and their beloved ones do - their family and friends.
Being clear of safety rules and regulations is a necessity. Living them and reacting in correspondence with them is another. Unsafe ways of doing things are caused by spontaneous unreflect reactions as well as conscious decisions to take risky short cuts. 90% of safety incidents lead back to wrong behaviour as a root cause.
Mondi has a strong fundament of safety rules and trainings. Since 2018, Mondi reinforces behavioural safety, applying a number of new methodologies, including behavioural trainings and emotional videos.
First emotional movies were playing in the plant environment, fostering the safety areas LOTO /MORO and Mobile Plant. A new series of emotional videos was introduced in 2019. It aims to make safety a personal matter by taking work place related safety topics and reflect them into private life, everyday situations. This helped to stir discussions and raise awareness of the impact a safety incident could have on one self and the beloved ones.
“Think twice – take a moment not a fall” is the first movie within the new series. It was published and discussed throughout Mondi workplaces in a global plant network. It was followed by a second movie „Think twice- be alert, not alone“, supporting the safety rules on „ confined spaces“- this movie is also entered into these awards.
The series is continued now in 2020, with movies on „Noise – hearing protection“ and „ hazardous goods.”
Story book concept: Pen & Paper
Film/ Director: West4Media / Nikolas Sauer
Owner: Mondi Corrugated Services GmbH
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Employees of Mondis production facilities, mainly shop floor employees
Kontaktdaten des Herausgebers / der Produktionsfirma
Mondi Corrugated Services GmbH
Marxergasse 4A, Austria-1030 Vienna
00431790134972 - 00436648507990