Distractions - Workplace Safety PSA

Title translated into English

Distractions - Workplace Safety PSA

Film: Duration in minutes

1 Minute, 21 Seconds minutes

Product description

This 1 minute, 21 second promotional video demonstrates 3 examples of how being distracted and unaware of the hazards are your workplace can be dangerous and how it can turn into disasters in combination of being distracted on the job. This is aimed towards youth that is just entering the workforce. The first example demonstrates a scientist working with chemicals and accidentally rubs his eyes with it. The second exampled demonstrates a worker using a band-saw and while being distracted by his co-worker, ends up cutting his fingers by accident. The last example demonstrates a driver being distracted on his smartphone and gets into a T-Bone car accident.


Aims and objectives

The message behind this promotional video is to highlight the importance of being aware of your workplace's hazard and to pay attention at all time when you're on the job, especially for young workers first entering the workforce. Instead of creating a boring 1-minute PSA, we utilized comedy and humor to create a piece of entertainment that is also informative in terms of educating and demonstrating real-world examples of how simple harmless tasks can turn into disasters within seconds of not being aware.

Target audience

Students & Young Workers


3rd Place - Ontario "It's Your Job!" Video Contest 2019

Contact details Editor / Production company

Mach 1 Studios, Toronto, ON, Canada
, Canada-