Agir suite à un accident du travail

Title translated into English

Acting following an accident at work

Product description

The "Acting Actions after an accident at work" tool helps companies, particularly very small businesses, to build a corrective action plan following an accident.
It enables them to:
o question the circumstances of an accident, via an investigation guide (which is downloadable directly from the tool),
o select the causes from a pre-defined list,
o choose the most relevant corrective actions to be implemented from a list,
o to edit an action plan including all the selected corrective actions (which is also downloadable).
A tutorial will guide you step by step in the use of this tool.

Aims and objectives

This tool allows companies with less than 50 employees to implement corrective actions following an accident at work.

Target audience

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

Contact details Editor / Production company

65 boulevard Lenoir, France-75011 Paris