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Take Time to Take Care of Your Mental Well-being
Title translated into English
Film: Duration in minutes
1min53s minutes
Product submission URL (http:// or https://)
Product description
The WSH Council has produced this campaign video, which shows how our campaign persona Fred, who is a “Cloud of Stress”, manages to overcome his mental stress with the support of his co-workers and management.
Aims and objectives
This video is a reminder to employers to take care of their employees, and to employees to take time to care for their health and well-being, and seek help at work.
Target audience
Young workers
Contact details Editor / Production company
Workplace Safety and Health Council
1500 Bendemeer Road - 14-01 , Singapore-339946 Singapore
+6566924995 - +6596462265 siu_kai_ming@wshc.sg https://www.tal.sg/wshc