Signos vitales
Title translated into English
Vital signs
Other Medium
Product description
Owner of the video is CNFL (Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz S.A.), with the participation of several teams. Original idea by Azzuhara Ramírez Jiménez from the Occupational Health and Safety Department. An interactive tool, which explains that a Medical Centre, in addition to providing clinical consultation, is also an evaluator of the health status of workers in technical and administrative areas, with a high level of risk, according to their occupational exposure.
Aims and objectives
Support the Sustainable Development Goal on Health and Well-being promoted by the UN through promotional actions for the working population. Raise staff awareness of vital signs monitoring as part of the vigilant functions performed by the Medical Centre. The goal of this activity is part of the dissemination and training process, specifically in occupational health and safety conditions, according to the portfolio of services to meet the needs of workers in the roadmap defined by the CNFL, as well as monitoring and knowledge of the state of health according to the activities assigned and the identification of hazards and risk assessment.
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Target audience
Young workers, Supervisors and managers, OSH specialists, Other (please specify) : todas las personas trabajadoras de la CNFL
Contact details Editor / Production company
Avenida 5. En medio de Calle 1 y Calle Central Alfredo Volio. - EL CARMEN, SAN JOSÉ. CNFL CENTRAL BUILDING FRENTE RADIOGRÁFICA , Costa Rica-10101 SAN JOSE
(506) 22103052 - +506 8362 2765