Tu salud y seguridad es una cuestión de peso

Title translated into English

Your health and safety is a matter of weight

Other Medium

Product description

Owner of the video is CNFL (Compañía Nacional de Fuerza y Luz S.A.), with the participation of several teams. Original idea by Luis Enrique Vargas Barrientos from the Occupational Health and Safety Department. A short video describing an occupational incident called "Near Miss", an occurrence at work where they specialise in the repair and measurement of mechanical components, where no injury or health impairment has occurred, but which has the potential to cause it. In a second act it is explained what should be done to try to prevent this from happening. The viewer is also reminded of the management steps.

Aims and objectives

To raise awareness among workers of an event arising from or in the course of work that has not resulted in injury or impairment of health, but has the potential to do so. To provide tools and strategies to prevent, detect and report "near misses", which may arise in the workplace or in the course of work. To introduce the working population through promotional actions and communication strategies to the issues of workplace incidents. The goal of this activity is for company staff to identify the steps to manage a near miss, bearing in mind that the number one step in managing incidents is PREVENTION, trying to prevent them from materialising and therefore causing harm. We must also DETECT any possible "Near Miss", deploying control capabilities over the source, the environment or the person. This control includes that the worker REPORTS what happened to his/her immediate management.

Target audience

Young workers, Supervisors and managers, OSH specialists, Other (please specify) : todas las personas trabajadoras de la CNFL

Contact details Editor / Production company

Avenida 5. En medio de Calle 1 y Calle Central Alfredo Volio. - EL CARMEN, SAN JOSÉ. CNFL CENTRAL BUILDING FRENTE RADIOGRÁFICA , Costa Rica-10101 SAN JOSE
(506) 22103052 - +506 8362 2765 https://cnfl.go.cr/