Anatomie d'un bon geste d'un charcutier-traiteur

Title translated into English

Anatomy of a good gesture of a pork butcher-caterer

Film: Duration in minutes

1:29 minutes

Product description

This spot highlights the occupational road risk associated with the employees who drink and drive. It focuses on common perceptions within companies, identified through numerous conferences and round tables led by our working group. For example, it addresses the belief, "alcohol is an essential part of company life, for celebrating contracts, birthdays, etc." Designed with a reverse approach, this resource deconstructs these specific beliefs related to the theme demonstrating to employers that there are simple and tangible strategies for addressing the issue.

Aims and objectives

The primary goal is to promote a culture of occupational road risk prevention among company managers and supervisors. These aim to deconstruct the perceptions that hinder the mitigation of this risk by:
- demonstrating how this risk concerns employers and identifying actionable levers that can be utilized
- providing prevention advocates with tools to raise employer awareness and facilitate discussions.
These advertisements will be widely distributed, with the support of the French Road Safety, the General Directorate of Labor and all our regional partners.

Target audience

Young workers


Do the right thing

Contact details Editor / Production company

151-155 rue de Bercy, France-75012 PARIS