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Heads Up Safety - ABB PAMA

Title translated into English

Produced In English

Film: Duration in minutes

3 minutes 36 Seconds minutes

Product description

Introduction to the “Heads Up Safety” global safety concept. A brand new way to consider safety at work. Available in multiple languages.

Aims and objectives

To inspire and engage while launching a new concept and series of training programmes. Understanding how collaboration makes a world of difference to our safety performance. Three steps: Heads Up - Taking a fresh look at our workplaces. Senses Alive - To listen to our senses to identify potential safety concerns. Mind Open - Keeping an open mind to how we can improve what we do ensuring we go home happy and healthy everyday.

Target audience

Young workers

Contact details Editor / Production company

Lattitude Safety Ltd
Little Firs - Back Lane , United Kingdom-TN21 9QW Rushlake Green
00441435831500 - 00447816327488