Lärm am Arbeitsplatz - Gehörschutz
Title translated into English
Occupational Noise - Hearing protectors
Film: Duration in minutes
2 minutes
Product submission URL (http:// or https://)
Product description
This 2-minutes video should give a brief information on different types of hearing protectors and what are the factors for the decision for a specific one.
Aims and objectives
Employees with occupational noise exposure should get basic information on choosing hearing protectors.
Target audience
Young workers, Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), Supervisors and managers, Other (please specify) : employees with occupational noise exposure
Contact details Editor
Wienerbergstraße 11, Austria-1100 Vienna
+43 5 9393 21738 - +43 676 83395 1600 mark.telsnig@auva.at https://www.auva.at
Contact details Production company
VerVieVas GmbH
Heiligenstädter Straße 31 / 1 / 701, AT-1190 Vienna
+43 1 30 50 711 21+43 660 87 544 87 benjamin.hodi@vervievas.net