Holz sicher und effizient bearbeiten
Title translated into English
Working safely and efficiently with wood
Product description
The dummy "Risky" shows the viewer on a virutal tour through the training center of Suva which risks are linked to the machines have to be observed and what will happen neglecting safety at work. "Risky" demonstrates how this may lead to serious accidents. And he also instructs how to carry out the works safely and efficiently.
Aims and objectives
- Identify the hazards and risks that exist working on machines/machinery - Improve technical comprehension of the effect of force during the work activity the relationship between incorrect operation and accidents - Raise awareness of the consequences of unsafe work activities - Instruct which protective measures shall be observed - Consolidate the knowledge about safewoodworking through interactive training
Number of workplace accidents in joiners´workhops; Severity of the accidents during woodworking, in particular when working on certain types of machines
Target audience
Learners, trainer,instructors, supervisors and employees and safety representatives in the woodworking industry
Contact details Editor
Suva, Bereich Integrierte Sicherheit
Postfach4358, Switzerland-6002 Luzern
+41(0) 414195256 rolf.schuermann@suva.ch
Contact details Production company
Phirstfilm Productions GmbH
Hegibachstrasse 90, Switzerland-8032 Zürich
+41(0)43499 9464