Napo in… Heat stress (Walk the talk)

Title translated into English

Napo in… Heat stress (Walk the talk)

Film: Duration in minutes

1’ 43” minutes

Product description

Napo is working in a foundry close to hot metal flowing from a furnace. Napo needs to drink more water but takes energy drinks, eats chocolate bars and takes a fever pill instead, ignoring the advice of the Boss. Napo starts to feel unwell and makes a mistake with the production. A colleague intervenes and takes Napo to a cool place to drink water and cool down.

Heat stress | Dehydration | Exhaustion | Heat stroke

This film was a collaborative project. The Napo Consortium wish to thank the Dubai Municipality for the concept and funding of this film.

Target audience

Workers (especially migrant workers)

Contact details Editor / Production company

The Napo Consortium
27 Bath Wood Close - Highgrove Park , United Kingdom-L40 7AF Ormskirk
+44 1695 575 644 - 07971215165