Sicheres Arbeiten im Labor
Title translated into English
Safe working in the laboratory
Product submission URL (http:// or https://)
Product description
In three learning modules, the viewer gians the technical insight required for safe laboratory work. While the first module deals with the areas of responsibility and risk assessment in the laboratory, necessary precautions in accordance with laboratory guidelines BGI / GUV-I 850-0 are explained in the two other modules. The contents are presented clearly and comprehensibly with videos, photos, graphics, accident examples and exercises. In the Virtual Laboratory of the learning portal the viewer puts into practice what he has learned and resolves the safety deficiencies he has detected in twelve chemical and biotechnological laboratory settings.
Aims and objectives
Many laboratory works require not only theoretical knowledge on the chemical, physical or biological interrelations. The rules and safety regulations must be observed with the practical implementation. Only thus accidents can be prevented. The multimedia portal supports laboratory manager, superiors, safety professionals and all workers in the laboratory to implement the safety concept of the laboratory guidelines BGI / GUV-I 850-0. It provides assistance to person in charge of risk assessment in the laboratory and many other implementation tools. The portal is also used in safety training of safety experts and in other seminars of the BG. Information is available on the Internet as an online portal. In addition, the CD-ROM can easily be integrated into a company's intranet, so that the information is also available at the workplace.
Work safety in chemical laboratories - this complex topic has filled numerous brochures , leaflets and regulations. To provide instructions for "safe work in the laboratory" in a motivational and objective way, an interactive multimedia training software was developed. Due to the great success of the software, version 3.0 is already available. Concept and structure are based on the laboratory guidelines BGI / G UV -I 850-0, which are indispensable standard reference works in the laboratory, and supplemented with other topics and implementation aids. In the meantime, the software has been further developed from a pure offline product to a web application for integration into the website of the BG RCI. In a simple and entertaining way the portal provides many topics related to "Work safety in the laboratory". The information section contains learning sequences on key safety issues in the laboratory, which are supplemented by interactive exercises. The knowledge can be applied in a "virtual laboratory" to identify safety deficiencies. In addition, the software provides quick access to master operating instructions, relevant links on the Internet and the legislative provisions on work safety in the laboratory; all information is directly accessible by selecting the respective menue. The didactic concept of the application covers all relevant stages of the learning process: knowledge transfer and understanding of the contents of the information section, further insights and verification in interactive exercises and first transfer skills in the "virtual laboratory". The simple, objective and logical structure of the learning contents promotes to sustainably and comprehensively store the new knowledge in the brain. And the program is structured flexibly and allows different ways of access to the knowledge content. Thus, the user can select according to his level of knowledge and interest from the menu of the multimedia portal. Thanks to multimedia and interactive presentation of the topics the user actively deals with the contents that are embedded in authentic learning scenarios. This practical and action-oriented concept pursues the following principles of learning: Exploratory learning Due to the numerous interactive options in the three modules of the information part and the knowledge test, the user actively explores the learning environment with increased attention. Cross-references in the specialized information part and linking with relevant rules and regulations facilitate learning in coherences. In the virtual laboratory, the user playfully accesses the knowledge content - this increases his attention and thus the intensity of learning. Self-directed learning Since humans finally learn autonomously, it is important to focus on individualized learning and self- control. Access to the information is freely assigned, the current state of progress can be viewed at any time and difficult passages can be repeated deliberately. Thus an active, self-organized knowledge acquisition is guaranteed. Medial and methodological diversity The learning processes are supported by the multimedia design of the system. The information value of various media (text, graphics, photo, video, animation and sound) are used to optimally present the content. A variety of methods with regard to the exercises (multiple choice tasks, matching exercises and free text) is offered and a variety of forms of action that address various sensory channels as well as different types of learners. Thus, the multimedia and interactive preparation promotes a holistic acquisition of knowledge at work or at home. Motivation Motivation for learning is of fundamental importance and is taken into account by various possibilites in the portal. The multimedia presentation of the contents and numerous interaction services foster motivation and active and independent action. A simple navigation concept enables to concentrate on the essentials and ensures a user-friendly operation. The variety of exercises and the targetgroup oriented presentation of the virtual laboratory increase the motivation and excitement of the user.
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Target audience
Laboratory directors, superiors, laboratory workers, safety professionals
Contact details Editor
Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie – BG RCI
Stolberger Str.86, Germany-50933 Köln
+49(0)62215108 24565+49(0)62215108 24599
Contact details Production company
Technik und Medien GmbH
Gneisenaustraße70, Germany-10961 Berlin