Tava rokasgrāmata drosibai un veselibai darba
Title translated into English
Your handbook in health and safety at workplace
Film: Duration in minutes
9 minutes
Product description
The material contains 30 short episodes starting from first working day (e.g. legal aspects of employment, medical check-ups, training etc) and then follows the main workplace risks that workers can encounter during their working carrer. The episodes cover wide area of risks including noise, vibration, dust, chemicals etc and also include episodes on environment and emergency preparedness.
Aims and objectives
Short summary of 30 most important messages that each worker shall follow at workplace regarding risks and preventive measures
This material was first produced as "real" handbook in A7 format to be placed at pocekt of workers and later it was also developed as short film.
Target audience
Employees and employers accross various sectors
Contact details Editor
Institute of Occupational Safety and Environmental Health of Riga Stradins University
Dzirciema16, Latvia-LV1007 Riga
dagmara.sprudza@rsu.lv www.rsu.lv/ddvvi
Contact details Production company
Brivibas84-10, Latvia-LV1001 Riga