Prix national sécurité-santé au travail
Title translated into English
National Occupational Health and Safety Award
Film: Duration in minutes
5x3à4 minutes et 1x40 sécondes minutes
Product description
Website (available in French, German and English):
Videos of the 5 winners of the first edition of the National Occupational Safety and Health Award, 2018 edition, as well as the video (teaser) call for entries for the 2020 edition (award ceremony is scheduled for April 29, 2020 during the OHS Forum)
Pétillances - Audience Award Winner
Pétillances is a continuing education organisation dedicated to the development of personal skills and the prevention of psycho-social risks through a pedagogical approach that is as humanistic as it is creative.
The "Keskonfaisi? "is a fun solution for the prevention of psychosocial risks developed by Pétillances. It is a goose game with more than forty problematic situations that any company may be faced with one day. The players, divided into small teams, must propose solutions to the concrete problems presented in order to finish the game and win a prize. At the random roll of the dice, they work on addictions, suicide, conflicts, rumours, the death of a loved one, recurring illnesses, burnout, loss of meaning... A complete theoretical summary is given to them at the end of the game.
VTKL Laureate
VTKL is a rope access company whose core business is the maintenance and protection of natural areas. The company intervenes in trees, rivers, on cliffs and for the protection of birds of prey and brings its skills to industry and construction, for maintenance, upkeep, protection and safety actions.
The principle of the project is the combination of the "PowerSeat" winch and the "LongSpan" rail. The PowerSeat is a motorised winch combined with a frame incorporating a seat and allows the user to get as close as possible to the anchorage point. The LongSpan rail is a new rail system with quick and easy installation and high rigidity. The combination of winch and rail guarantees superior work efficiency (no wasted energy), smooth and stand-off-free height movements and increased work safety.
Tralux Award Winner
Originally specialising in public works with the construction of engineering structures on motorways, TRALUX Construction is today a recognised general contractor offering a wide range of building and public works trades and providing various services based on dedicated offers.
In order to involve the journeymen themselves in health and safety at work, TRALUX has set up the C.A.P.S. (Compagnon Acteur de la Prévention et de la Sécurité) initiative on all worksites. The CAPS, appointed by rotation every 8 or 15 days by the site foreman from among the team's journeymen and wearing a green HV harness, acts as an additional relay for the prevention of safety risks and respect for the environment on his site. The CAPS helps to identify risks and dangerous situations, and to guide and make everyone aware of their own safety.
Winner Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg
The Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg is located on two sites with approximately 2,240 employees and a total capacity of 579 hospital beds. In 2016, the CHL counted almost 30,000 inpatient hospitalisations, 4,200 day hospitalisations and 510,000 outpatient treatments.
Monitoring of occupational accidents showed an increase in the number of injections by cleaning staff with insulin pens needles in toilets used by the public. These needles were often left on the floor or in garbage cans and thus represented an increased risk of needlestick injuries for all toilet users and especially for cleaning staff. The SCALP project (Securing Needle Containers for Public Places) solved this problem by installing transparent, robust, key-lockable and easily cleanable needle containers in all public toilets. Since the installation of the containers in July 2017, no more needle-stick accidents have been reported in CHL's public toilets.
Secolux Award Winner
Secolux is a construction control office in Luxembourg and has the mission to protect humans by avoiding the consequences of non-quality construction. The company has a branch "safety and health coordination of temporary and mobile construction sites" composed of about ten safety coordinators of levels B and C.
Secolux develops and uses in partnership with City Lity a mobile application, simple and usable by all, called "CITY LITY". The app, instantaneous, allows to report and manage an incident leading to a security breach on site. The software, adapted to safety on worksites, has been operational since September 2017 and allows incidents to be reported by each person involved, even in the absence of safety representatives, and reduces the time of exposure to danger".
Aims and objectives
The aim of the award is to: recognise innovative initiatives in the field of safety, health and well-being at work; highlight the concerted efforts of employees and employers to manage health at work and to prevent accidents at work and occupational illnesses; highlight the investment efforts made by enterprises to improve safety, health and well-being at work; disseminate widely the achievements in order to benefit other enterprises.
As part of the national VISION ZERO strategy, the National Health and Safety at Work Prize is awarded every two years by 3 Ministries: Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Security and Ministry of Labour, Employment and the Social and Solidarity Economy, in association with the organisers : the Accident Insurance Association (AAA), the Union des Entreprises Luxembourgeoises (UEL), the Institut National pour le Développement durable et la Responsabilité sociale des entreprises (INDR), the Inspection du Travail et des Mines (ITM) and the Direction de la Santé - Division de la Santé au Travail et de l'Environnement (DSATE).
The award ceremony (2nd edition) will take place shortly as part of the Occupational Safety and Health 2020 Forum on 29 April at LUXEXPO THE BOX.
5 prizes worth 5,000 euros as well as a corporate video will be awarded to the winners in the 3 categories below:
Corporate category - safety section
- Company ≤ 50 employees. Company; 50 employees
Business Category - Health and Wellness
- Company ≤ 50 employees. Company; 50 employees
Category organization acting as a multiplying agent for safety, health and/or well-being at work.
Among the winners, the "public's favourite" will be voted on for several weeks. An additional value of 2,000 euros will be awarded to the "favourite" winner.
Evaluation Criteria
Degree of innovation (20 points)
The degree of innovation reflects the originality and novelty of the measure or product submitted.
Degree of prevention (30 points)
This criterion assesses the degree to which risk is reduced or safety, health and/or well-being at work is improved.
Degree of effectiveness (10 points)
By degree of efficiency, we mean the gains achieved (reduced risk or improved safety, health and/or well-being at work) in relation to the expenditure incurred (in terms of labour, energy, time, absenteeism, etc.).
Sustainability (20 points)
Durability is assessed by: the practicality of the novelty, i.e. the ease of installation, use and maintenance, whether it is a new product or an upgrade.
from a technical, economic, energy, organisational or labour point of view (10 points) ;
long-term impact, i.e. longevity or the possibility of regular monitoring for continuous improvement (10 points).
Transferable side (20 points)
This criterion assesses whether the measure is transferable to, respectively usable by :
- undertakings in the same sector of activity, irrespective of their size (10 points) ;
- undertakings, whatever their sector of activity (10 points).
For organisations the transferability is not assessed.
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Target audience
companies and organisations in Luxembourg - sharing good practice on safety, health and well-being at work
Contact details Editor / Production company
Association d'assurance accident
125, route d'Esch, Luxembourg-1471 Luxembourg