"Wie Milben sich aus dem Staub machen"

Title translated into English

"How Mites make off"

Film: Duration in minutes

03:06 minutes

Product description

The video presents the most important decontamination and prevention measures for house dust mites to the two bakers Ben and Becky who suffer from allergic airway disease. The protagonist is entry_salutation21. Mite who makes off in the end.

Aims and objectives

The self-explanatory video imparts the most important decontamination and prevention measures for house dust allergy sufferers in a funny and vivid way, thus helping to chase away entry_salutation21. Mite.

Bakers with airway diseases are frequently also sensitive to house dust mites (about 30%) apart from job-related allergens. The explanatory video provides the insured persons with comprehensive advice by presenting the most important decontamination and prevention measures for persons suffering from a house dust mite allergy (video can be used as a didactic support in health seminars, among other things).

Target audience

Bakers that are allergic to house dust mites and who suffer from obstructive airway disease and/or skin disease. Other insured persons who are sensitive to house dust mites. Allergy sufferers who are currently not allergic to house dust mites and who wish

Contact details Editor

BGN - Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe
Dynamostr. 7-11, Deutschland-68165 Mannheim

Contact details Production company

MeinUnternehmensfilm GmbH
Wasserweg8-10, Deutschland-60594 Frankfurt/Main