Young Road Safety Ambassadors

Title translated into English

Young Road Safety Ambassadors

Film: Duration in minutes

3 minutes

Product description

Malaysia loses more than 6000 lives on road and road traffic crash is considered among the top killers of the population. Thus is a leading cause of death for all types of occupational workers through commuting crash. There is a vital need to change adult behaviour from unsafe to safe road safety behaviour towards addressing this road crash and death pandemic. However it’s a challenge to change an adult behaviour. Thus investing on the young children who are future adult road users is one way to make sure we don’t face similar problem in future. Also this initiative is special as it produces Young Road Safety Ambassadors who not only will be a safe road user in future but are tasked to change their immediate family members towards a safe road user. As such this young children are called as Young Road Safety Ambassadors.  

Aims and objectives

There are few main safety messages crossed over to the target group (Adult Motorcycle Riders and Young Children Pillion Riders) of this safety initiative. They are:

  1. Empower the Adult Motorcycle Rider and Young Children Pillion Riders on the risk of using motorcycle.
  2. Empower the Adult Motorcycle Rider and Young Children Pillion Riders on how to mitigate or reduce their risk while travelling using a motorcycle.
  3. Empower the Adult Motorcycle Rider and Young Children Pillion Riders on the need to protect their head from head injuries due to road crashes.
  4. Empower the Adult Motorcycle Rider and Young Children Pillion Riders on the importance of choosing the appropriate size helmet, proper wearing and using a standard safety helmet.

To meet the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 3.6 of halving the road deaths and injuries by 2020 and World Health Organisation Global Road Safety Performance Target 7 on increasing the proportion of motorcycle riders correctly using standard helmets close to 100% by 2030. This initiative of investing on young future road users in order to make a change in reduce road crashes in future with a brand new safety conscious and traffic compliant road users plus using this children as a Young Road Safety Ambassadors to champion for a change and in calculating safe road safety practices among their adult motorcycle riders. Results have shown this new approach made a change in both children and adults motorcycle safety helmet usage. This success story motivated the team to scale up the initiative to reach out to more adult motorcycle rider community via their young children as our new Young Road Safety Ambassadors.    

Target audience

Adult Motorcycle Rider and Young Children Pillion Riders


Prince Michael International Road Safety Award (UK) 2017

Contact details Editor / Production company

Safe Kids Malaysia Universiti Putra Malaysia
Department of Community Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences - Universiti Putra Malaysia , Malaysia-43400 Serdang, Selangor
60397692398 - 6013382200060389450151