12th International Media Festival for Prevention – Winning entries announced!
SYDNEY (29 November 2023) – The winning entries of the 12th International Media Festival for Prevention were announced on 28 November 2023 during the IMFP Special Media Session at the 23rd World Congress on Safety and Health at Work in Sydney, Australia.
With entries from 40 different countries, representing the five continents, it was truly an International Media Festival. Furthermore, the IMFP has beaten a new record: it received 325 entries – more than ever before! The six winning entries were selected from 18 nominated entries by an international Jury.
Cristina Portero, Project Coordinator of the IMFP, and the Australian comedian and MC Sam McCool, hosted the IMFP Special Media Session. Together, they took the audience on an exciting media journey around the world by presenting each group of nominees and announcing the winners.
The interviews with both Jury Presidents, Donna Van Bogaert and Peter Rimmer, as well as with the representatives of the six winning organizations, made this a very special session.
The following six entries received the IMFP award:

Awareness Plan for the Fishing Sector: "Safety Saves Lives"
Instituto Nacional de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo (INSST), Spain
Winning entry in the group “Cracking Challenging Cultures”
The jury felt the website demonstrated an exceptional and comprehensive knowledge of its audience — from simple, direct content to audience appropriate channels and easily accessed downloadable materials. The jury was particularly impressed with the smart blending of both traditional and new media channels.

Escape room: Incident investigation game
Aegide International, France
Winning entry in the group “Leveraging New Media”
The Jury found this interactive game to be effective and innovative in using gaming strategy in a live training environment – a clever design that captures participant attention and delivers important strategy training, as well as promoting critical team interactions and analysis. The aim is to create a playful and engaging way for people to learn the Incident Investigation process and how to use Root Cause Analysis methodology.

Evil Water
BFA Service, Denmark
Winning entry in the group “Short Cuts”
The winning film focuses on working with liquids and the hazards of potential skin irritations. The approach is different and memorable, using a horror-style genre to deliver a short film with great impact. The Jury saw this film working well with young workers and on social media with great production values. The safety messages are clear and succinct.

Jason Daniel’s story – surviving an electric shock from overhead powerlines
Queensland Government, Office of Industrial Relations, Australia
Winning entry in the group “Tell me a story”
The Jury appreciated how the film brought together the experience of Jason’s mother, the impact of a workplace injury on families, and the involvement of safety experts who gave practical advice on how to stay safe on the farm. Jason's story makes us realise how vulnerable we are, and the fragile nature of life which provides a compelling reason to always put safety first at work.

The Wellness League
Progreso, Guatemala
Winning entry in the group “Vive la difference”
The Jury appreciated that this creative concept provided fresh approach to a Workplace Health and Safety film and considered that this was an imaginative idea, attractive to a young audience, with clear messages about safety at work. The film was well-made, the quality of the animation was high, and the special effects were excellent.

Safety With Every Step: Food Delivery
WorkSafeBC, Canada
Winning entry in the group “Delivering Safety”
The Jury considered that this is a well-executed educational film providing a great mix of visuals, voiceover and animation to get the safety messages across. It clearly shows the hazards and the controls that are necessary to manage the risks. The Jury considered that it was effective because it was simple and well-produced.
Special Mention
Solmax Safety Reflex Film
Solmax, Canada
The Jury also gave a ‘Special mention’ to Solmax, a Canadian company, which produced six films recorded by children in six different languages to introduce their ‘Safety Reflex’ campaign, and used emotion and an engaging film for employees to watch and share with their families. The Jury commended the concept and enjoyed the original song.