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Jason Daniel’s story – surviving an electric shock from overhead powerlines
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Jason Daniel’s story – surviving an electric shock from overhead powerlines
Película: Duración en minutos
8 minutos
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Descripción del producto
‘Jason Daniels' story – surviving an electric shock from overhead powerlines’, is a film about how quickly life changed for Jason’s family when the grain auger he was moving contacted an overhead powerline. Jason was just 17 when the serious electric shock he received from the powerline gave him horrific injuries. Jason’s mother Di Daniels recalls the devastating phone call she received on the day it happened and the struggles they have faced throughout Jason’s recovery. Jason lost four toes and received serious burns. He was in an induced coma for two months and had nine operations. Jason and Di are sharing their experience in this raw and real film to raise awareness about having a safe system of work in place before starting work and urging employers to listen when young workers speak up with safety concerns. “Life can change in a heartbeat.” Di Daniels.
Objetivos y metas
Addressing overhead powerlines remains a priority for the Electrical Safety Office (ESO). In the past six years, 40 serious electrical incidents have happened in Queensland involving overhead powerlines, and four people died. ESO conducts ongoing targeted compliance, advisory and awareness activities including developing personal story films to authentically engage with industry and the community. Personal story films combine a powerful and memorable narrative with information and guidance for industry to reduce risk and improve safety outcomes. The aim of Jason’s film was to promote the importance of ensuring the correct risk controls are in place and followed when working near overhead powerlines, and explore the impact that a serious work-related injury has on the worker and their family, friends and colleagues. The film also encourages young workers to speak up if they see something unsafe at work, and employers to listen to their young workers when they approach them with a concern. All ESO personal story films aim to provide industry and the community with actionable guidance to reduce the risk of death and injuries. Jason’s film launched in May 2021 at a regional industry stakeholder forum with approximately 60 people attending and more than 320 watching the live streams. The film has been watched more than 8400 times on YouTube. ESO, along with Workplace Health and Safety Queensland (WHSQ), Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Services (WCRS) and Industrial Relations form the Office of Industrial Relations within the Queensland Government. ESO’s purpose is to improve electrical safety and reduce the risk of death and injury from electric shock, fire and explosion. ESO works with Queensland's electrical industry to help keep all Queenslanders safe around electricity, at work, at home and in the community. WHSQ’s purpose is to improve work health and safety and reduce the risk of work-related fatalities, injuries and diseases. WHSQ works with industry and assists businesses to create a safe and healthy culture in Queensland places of work. WCRS’s purpose is to maintain a fair and efficient workers’ compensation scheme that balances the needs of workers and employers. WCRS works with insurers, employers, workers and health professionals to make sure all workers who’ve experienced a work-related injury are supported throughout their rehabilitation journey and can safely return to work. Industrial Relations’ purpose is to support improved productivity and fairness in Queensland workplaces.
Público destinatario
Trabajadores jóvenes, Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Supervisores y gerentes, Especialistas en SST
Premios recibidos
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
Office of Industrial Relations
1 William Street, Australia-4000 Brisbane
+617 34069746 safe@oir.qld.gov.au https://www.worksafe.qld.gov.au/