Bares? Aber sicher.

Título traducido al inglés

Cash? Certainly.

Película: Duración en minutos

Intro: 1:42, DAVOR: 13:42, DABEI: 6:48, DANACH: 5:07 minutos

Descripción del producto

Everyday cashier and money handling activities at kiosks, drugstore and discount stores are presented by way of examples. Pragmatic and best practice examples for behavioral prevention are assigned to specific situations based on a 3-D concept (BEFORE-DURING THE EVENT-AFTER). Entertaining scenes explain the motives for the robbery from the perpetrators perspective (BEFORE). Reconstructed robbery situations demonstrate de-escalating behaviour (DURING THE EVENT). In emontional scenes the victims describe their experience (AFTER).

Objetivos y metas

Message: Proper behavior of employees in money handling activities can minimize several risks (behavioural prevention): a) the risk of robbery (BEFORE) b) the risk of injury during a robbery (DURING THE EVENT) and c) the risk of mental illness (AFTER). Goals: motivation to actively preventive behaviour in everyday cash handling activities and ability to cope with an unexpected robbery.

Again and again, employees in commercial undertakings are assalted with the consequences of sometimes severe physical and psychological injuries. The medium of film is suitable to look at the decisive situations from various angels. Thus, the trainees of a seminar are put in the position to experience the reality of the situation realistically and they can integrate the learning experience.

Público objetivo

Employees and cash handlers in commercial undertakings

Datos de contacto del editor

Berufsgenossenschaft Handel und Warendistribution – BGHW
Niebuhrstrasse5, Germany-53113 Bonn
+49(0)2285406 5815+49(0)2285406 5898

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

baeumler film+tv
Finkenweg3, Germany-95680 Bad Alexandersbad
+49(0)9232881 882+49(0)9232881 883