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The task of the CO2 app is to raise awareness of the procedure and advantages of good room ventilation to convey this topic.
- Functions:
Bad air and its consequences
Background knowledge and information on all aspects of room ventilation - Basics of calculation
Explanation and values used for the calculation - CO2 calculator & timer
Storage of rooms and activation of a timer
Objetivos y metas
Good air is one of the foundations for health, well-being, performance and for good work, learning and teachings. Therefore, it must be sufficient in work and school rooms. There has to be "healthy breathing air".
A prerequisite for this is good ventilation of the room can be measured by the carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the room. The task of the CO2-Timer app is, to give you an understanding of the procedure and advantages of good room ventilation to convey on this topic.
The App can be used to calculate the CO2 concentration in rooms - without using additional measuring devices. To do this, enter the relevant for the room Data, such as number of people, length of stay, floor space and room height and the app calculates when and how you should ventilate. By activating the timer, you will also be reminded of the ventilation in good time.
All entered data will only be saved on your Smartphone.
Headache, fatigue, lack of concentration, loss of performance - too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in rooms can affect health. The Institute for Occupational Safety and Health of the German Social Accident Insurance (IFA) and the Unfallkasse Hessen (UKH) have therefore developed an app, the "CO2 Timer", which determines the right ventilation time and the optimal ventilation frequency for every window-ventilated room - in schools, offices , Seminar rooms or even in private surroundings. Human breathing is the main source of CO2 indoors. In low concentrations, CO2 is non-toxic, but it hinders oxygen absorption in the body. Increased CO2 values in the ambient air can therefore lead to headaches in humans, for example. Problems arise especially where many people are together for a long time in closed, relatively small rooms - performance, concentration and well-being often suffer there.
Authors and responsible persons:
Dr.-Ing. Heinz Neumann (Author)
Dr. Simone Peters
Graduate chemist Ingrid Thullner
Graduate engineer Michael Protsch
Dr. Torsten Kunz
Público objetivo
Büro/ Verwaltung, Universitäten, Schulen
Datos de contacto del editor
Institut für Arbeitsschutz der Deutschen Gesetzlichen Unfallversicherung /Unfallkasse Hessen
Leonardo-da-Vinci-Allee, Germany-60486 Frankfurt
+0496929972211 m.protsch@ukh.de https://www.dguv.de/ifa/praxishilfen/innenraumarbeitsplaetze/raumluftqualitaet/co2-app/index.jsp
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
Garage 51
Daimlerstraße 32, Deustchland-60314 Frankfurt
+49 69-34 87 65 66 all@garage51.de