Título traducido al inglés
Película: Duración en minutos
00:48 minutos
Descripción del producto
As the title "Countryclub" indicates we here have a workplace where a laid back attitude is ruling, management is doing all kind of effort to make the workday and -place more comfortable, but is forgetting to involve those in regard, and they are therefore not challenged and show no initiative. In short: Why does everything turn out so bad, when we are trying so hard? The speak at the end says: "Green plants and art decor is not enough to give a meaningful workday. Talk to Your Manager about OSH." The text means: Take care of one another it pays off.
Objetivos y metas
It's one of four short films which are ment to be apertizers upon a discussion to what kind of OHS-state the participants workplace are at - and where they would like to be.
Shortfilms is a very good way of introducing problems for a discussion. And animated film can be understood by most people without any further explanation. There is made short folder telling the story of the benefit of dialouge over improvement of the state of OHS and having focus on these improvements.
Público objetivo
Members of OHS-board/Group and Teachers who teach OHS-matters to members of Companies OHS-bodies
Datos de contacto del editor
Industriens Branchearbejdsmiljøråd (Danish OHS-committee for the Industrial Sector), co: CO-industri
Vester Soegade12, 2., Denmark-1790 Copenhagen V
Datos de contacto del empresa productora
hvorfor ikk - digital studio
Studiestræde21A, 3. floor, Denmark-1455 K Copenhagen