Napo is... teleworking to stop the pandemic
Título traducido al inglés
Napo is... teleworking to stop the pandemic
Película: Duración en minutos
1' 37" minutos
Descripción del producto
Because of the measures to contain the coronavirus, many people are required to work from home. This may not always be as good as working in the office. There are many new factors to consider such as the work equipment and workstation, working alone, family and children, interruptions and finding a new work routine. Napo wants to ensure that everyone can work at home productively, and as safely and healthily as possible. With the support of the Boss and co-worker Napette, Napo has some good advice, and says:
"Stop the pandemic, work at home… and work safely!"
Objetivos y metas
The film seeks to raise awareness of issues created by working from home during the Covid pandemic including Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), computer work, teleworking and ergonomics.
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Público destinatario
Trabajadores jóvenes, Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Supervisores y gerentes, Especialistas en SST
Premios recibidos
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
Napo Consortium
27 Bath Wood Close - Highgrove Park , United Kingdom-L40 7AF Ormskirk
+441695575644 - +447971215165