Luar Biasa BoBoiBoy

Título traducido al inglés

The Incredible BoBoiBoy

Película: Duración en minutos

2.2 minutes minutos

Descripción del producto

The Social Security Organization (SOCSO) of Malaysia has
recruited homegrown superhero BoBoiBoy to promote its
Return to Work (RTW) program. In conjunction with RTW's
15th anniversary, SOCSO launched its first fully animated
advertising video on efforts undertaken through the RTW
program; a comprehensive disability management program
that aims to help SOCSO insured person with injuries or
illnesses to recover and return to work in a timely manner
and safer environment. Since its inception in 2007 up until
October 21, 2022, SOCSO's RTW program has helped over
51,694 people to return to work and resume their daily
occupations. In collaboration with a local animation
company, Animonsta Studios Sdn. Bhd., the 2.22 minutes
video highlights the lives of Faizal (among many other
unfortunate insured person under the RTW Program) who
had an accident during work. The young man lost his left
upper and lower limb in the accident, but with provisions
from SOCSO's Return To Work Program, he was able to
stand on his own two feet, bounce back stronger, take
charge of his life, and resume his normal roles and routines.

Objetivos y metas

The perseverance and high fighting spirit among the Returnto-Work participants in going through the winding journey of
life after suffering a disability due to an accident or illness to
keep rising to continue life and return to work, is truly
inspiring to the community. Their meaningful life struggles
have prompted this animated theme to be named
Extraordinary ("Luar Biasa").
Among the extraordinary factors and the uniqueness of the
life journey among the participants of RTW SOCSO is that
the diversity of the plural society in Malaysia has given them
an advantage in a good support system. Despite the
differences in culture, religion, and race, the spirit of One
Malaysian Family has helped to highlight and embrace the
capabilities of this group compared to the disabilities
experienced. This indirectly creates a harmonious Malaysian
family spirit.
Their extraordinary spirit to continue to compete and prove
that they are also able to contribute to the economic
development of the country has prompted SOCSO to
elevate disability management to be nurtured as early as
possible in every walk of life and it is impossible to achieve
when all parties are united. As an organization that upholds
social security, it is imperative that access to healthcare and
income security is guaranteed in time of need. Through this
video SOCSO aims to highlight two main issues; (1) to
celebrate all abilities, and (2) educating the mass public
since early age.
In order to celebrate all forms of abilities, one must
understand the challenges faced by people who were born
with disabilities and those who develop disability later in their
life. Although both might face different obstacles; engaging
in the labor market and become independent are common
issues. We aim to eradicate the stigma and perception of
society that these people are no longer functional and are
not able to contribute in a company, through support
provided to both the employer and employee in the RTW
Secondly, we believed that awareness and education should
start at the earliest stage of life. This video aims to create
awareness on social security
among children, so that they would understand their rights
(regardless of whether they have disabilities or not), the help
they can acquire in times of need, and even persuade their
caregiver on the importance of social security. When this is
achieved, this would create a resilient community and
ecosystem that are foolproof towards calamitous events

Público objetivo

Trabajadores jóvenes

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Social Security Organisation Malaysia
Level 3A, Menara PERKESO Putrajaya - No.6, Persiaran Perdana, Presint 2 , Malaysia-62100 Putrajaya
+60380915174 - +60126044437