Distanza zero

Título traducido al inglés

Zero distance

Película: Duración en minutos

7 minutos

Descripción del producto

Work to live or to die? The tragic question proposed in the short film Distance zero which tells the story of Dario, a young rider for a food delivery service struggling with work difficulties, the meeting with the florist Sara and the dream of a better life.

The story describes the precariousness and insecurity of working conditions. In fact, with the advent of the gig economy, i.e. an economic model based on occasional and temporary on-call work, there are new types of risk, connected to the equipment used, the manual movement of loads, the methods of carrying out work .

Emerging risks on which it is essential to pay due attention, also intervening through information and awareness-raising actions.

Objetivos y metas

From 1 February 2020, Inail - the Italian Institute that manages insurance against accidents at work - has extended the insurance protection to cyclists, therefore, with a view to global protection of this category of workers, it has been the short film to stimulate reflection on the working conditions, in terms of health and safety, of the riders, educate the younger generations to adopt healthy and safe behaviors and to safeguard health and safety in every workplace and promote the culture of health and safety in the workplace.

The short has participated in numerous festivals, is used in training and information initiatives for students and has reached over 5000 views on social channels.

Público destinatario

Trabajadores jóvenes, Otros (por favor especifique) : riders

Premios recibidos

Winner Festival Silk black Tulip - Rome 2021

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Inail Direzione regionale Puglia
Corso Trieste 29, Italy-70126 Bari
+390805436283 - +393939991596 https://www.inail.it/