Le Belle Storie - Alessandro Forte
Título traducido al inglés
Beautiful stories - Alessandro Forte
Película: Duración en minutos
3:31 minutos
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Descripción del producto
Alessandro Forte, from Afragola, in the province of Naples, in 2017 suffered a serious accident at work, which made him paraplegic. Inail provided him with the basic aids to regain his autonomy. Alessandro participated in the social reintegration project "FutVal sport with values", carried out by the Inail regional directorate for Campania in collaboration with Scholas Occurrentes. Archery was one of the various disciplines and Alessandro started practiced this sport in 2019 and today he is a para archery athlete.
Objetivos y metas
The goal is to give greater visibility to the path with which Inail, with the support of local branches and the Prosthetic Center, accompanies the injured at work to resume their place in society. The communication goal is pursued through the voices and faces of the people involved who in a video interview tell their story and experience with Inail. The protagonist is the injured who, starting from the moment of the accident, tells his own experience and the meeting with Inail, at his side in the path of social reintegration.
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Público destinatario
Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Especialistas en SST
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
+39 06 54875608 b.sabetta@inail.it http://inail.it