Ein ganz normaler Tag?
Título traducido al inglés
A completely normal day?
Película: Duración en minutos
4:42 minutos
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Descripción del producto
We have written a script and made a short film from it with various colleagues from Covestro on site and around the Leverkusen plant. The exciting thing about it is that the scenarios have been made up but portray events that have really happened to the colleagues from Covestro. As a result, this film has been created by colleagues for colleagues.
Objetivos y metas
An accident can happen quickly. Especially, if you just wanted to get that one thing done very quickly. Time and again, particular situations that seem harmless or are part of everyday life can lead quickly to accidents. This is the reason why this short film aims precisely at the thought of getting things done quickly. If handled carelessly, this can result in mistakes or even accidents. We mostly focus on the topic progression, with the aim of preventing unsafe situations and accidents.
Público destinatario
Trabajadores jóvenes, Otros (por favor especifique) : All employees
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
Covestro Deutschland AG
Kaiser-Wilhelm-Allee 60, Germany-51373 Leverkusen
004921332372002 thomas.landschulze@covestro.com https://www.covestro.com/de/company/~/link.aspx?_id=65415355CA734AA9BE2256B1D65D46D0&_z=z