Facilitation graphique autour de la sécurité routière

Título traducido al inglés

Road safety visions poster design

Otro medio

Facilitation graphique

Descripción del producto

A collaborative work between the company, the facilitator and the graphic facilitator has been carried out in order to define a road safety vision. During a work session and exchanges around the management and objectives of company’s road safety, graphic facilitation allowed the collection, clarification, and visualization of the company’s road safety vision.

Objetivos y metas

Define the company's vision of how road safety fits into its broader corporate mission. Share ideas on how this vision will enable the company to better manage its road safety risks. Use the facilitator to create a road safety vision that clearly and simply expresses what the company/organization aims to achieve by developing its road safety management system. From the "Road Safety Vision" poster came the Road Safety Policy and then an internal communication poster.

Público destinatario

Trabajadores jóvenes, Pequeñas y medianas empresas (PYMES), Supervisores y gerentes

Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora

Aegide international
2 rue du Jardin de l'Ars - 6ème étage , France-33800 Bordeaux
+33778304014 - +33778304014 https://www.aegide-international.com/