Historietas de la Liga del Bienestar
Título traducido al inglés
Wellbeing League Stories
Otro medio
comic books
Descripción del producto
The Wellness League cartoon is a pdf, which used the characters to remember important topics such as: Implement 5's in your workplace, the 4 mental states in which accidents are caused, the 4 critical errors that can contribute to that a task is not properly executed, Covid-19 prevention protocol, among others. There is also an outlined version with a white background so that the children of collaborators can download, print and paint.
Objetivos y metas
Motivate employees to influence their families, since this is the fundamental axis of society.
Público destinatario
Otros (por favor especifique) : Émployees
Datos de contacto del editor / del empresa productora
Cementos Progreso S.A.
Diagonal 6, 10 - 01 Zona 10, Centro Gerencial Las Margaritas, Torre 2, Nivel 19. - jgomez@cempro.com , Guatemala-01010 GUATEMALA
+50279528000 - +50255104725 jgomez@cempro.com https://www.cementosprogreso.com/