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  • Anbei einmal ein Vorschaubild des Werkes für die Kachel in der Suche und ein Banner, das für die Anzeige im Beitrag gedacht ist.

Arbeitssicherheit (Web Based Training | E-Learning)

Título traducido al inglés

Work Safety (Web Based Training | E-Learning)

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Descripción del producto

The Nagel-Group training course "Training for supervisors - occupational safety" provides supervisors with a practical introduction to the topic of occupational safety and trains them to competently implement occupational safety in the company with their employees. In a modern, interactive training course, supervisors become acquainted with various sources of danger, learn the legal background, their duties in everyday work and effective tools for safe and accident-free work. The fresh teaching style and visually appealing structure forcefully convey what matters when it comes to occupational safety and that shared responsibility protects against hazards. Ease of access, the user-friendliness, the depth of information and the fun of learning are at the forefront of the e-learning. To keep the learners' attention high, interactive elements and knowledge questions presented in a playful way guide them through the training. As an engaging finale, what has been learned is tested in the form of a quiz.

Objetivos y metas

The Nagel-Group has set itself the goal of maintaining their high level of occupational safety and preventing accidents at work. The focus of this e-learning "Training for supervisors - occupational safety" is in particular on conveying the duties and responsibilities of supervisors and training in the recognition of hazards in everyday work. After completing the training, all learners know the legal requirements, possible hazards and can apply what they have learned in their everyday work and communicate it to employees. Regular repetition of the training ensures that the knowledge is permanently anchored in the learners' minds. The training is made available throughout Europe via the Nagel Online Campus and is offered in German and English. With the Nagel Online Campus, the Nagel-Group gives all employees access to an attractive and needs-oriented training program. Training concept and implementation: The e-learning comprehensively addresses the area of responsibility of supervisors and the prevention of occupational accidents. The training targets dangerous situations and enables supervisors to recognize them early and thus to avoid accidents. Particularly important points are deepened in playful interactions and queried in terms of content. The visual structure of the e-learning with a combination of videos, photos from the learners' work environment and graphics in a clear flat design is appealing, establishes references and conveys the desired core messages quickly and forcefully. Interactions and a final quiz that is taken to pass the training add excitement and fun to the learning experience. The varying final questions - a new selection is always displayed - keep the tension up until the end. The format thus remains interesting and guarantees a lasting learning effect in the target group.

Público destinatario

Supervisores y gerentes, Otros (por favor especifique) : Vorgesetzte im Lager der Nagel-Group in den europaweiten Logistikzentren

Datos de contacto del editor

Nagel-Group Logistics SE
Friedrich-Menzefricke-Str. 6, Germany-33775 Versmold
+49 (0) 5423 960-378 - +49 (0) 151 16825038

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Grips IO GmbH - Individuelle Web-Based-Trainings
Hunsgasse 42, DE-50676 Köln
0221 98657214+49 162 7105941