Das Leben ist schön, solange nichts passiert.

Título traducido al inglés

It's good to be alive, as long as nothing bad happens

Película: Duración en minutos

1 Minute minutos

Descripción del producto

A forestry worker is almost killed by a spruce, an engineer almost killed by a powerful robot arm. With captivating, impressively staged pictures, the Suva campaign shows work situations in which it is only by chance that no one gets hurts. This way, the campaign raises awareness of occupational safety without having to stage an accident. The films are accompanied by light-hearted music and finish with the message: “It’s good to be alive, as long as nothing bad happens. That’s why we have SUVA’s vital rules.”

Objetivos y metas

“It’s good to be alive, as long as nothing bad happens. That’s why we have Suva’s vital rules.” After all, no work is so important that you must risk your life or that of your employees.

For years, Suva has been advocating ceasing work immediately if a vital rule is breached, and only resuming when the dangerous situation has passed. Nevertheless, Suva counted 55 deadly occupational accidents in 2018 alone. In 75 percent of these cases, at least one vital rule was broken. For each fatal accident, around 100,000 “unsafe conditions and actions” must be assumed; or rather working situations in which employees often only narrowly avoid an accident. The campaign shows, with some drama but no fatalism, that complying with the vital rules means the prevention of accidents is not just left to chance. The film will be used, among other things, as a TV advert to raise awareness about occupational safety among the whole population and to guide employees to Suva’s rules.

Público objetivo

Breite Öffentlichkeit



Premios recibidos

Edi.19 Gold

Datos de contacto del editor

Rösslimattstrasse 39, Chile-6005 Luzern
+41414195511 - +41795007731 http://www.suva.ch

Datos de contacto del empresa productora

Stories AG
Dufourstrasse 185a, ch-8008 Zürich
+41 43 501 55 00+41 79 389 77 64 http://www.stories.ch